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Lighthouse Outpost Meal Drop-off 


E M A I L   I N Q U I R I E S   H E R E :

we recommend 4-6 options 


each item serves 5-8 guests  



B I G   S A L A D (gluten free, vegan)

$ 50 

little gem, radicchio, greens, roasted vegetables, pickled daikon, avocado, seeds 



G R I L L E D   C H I C K E N   B O W L (gluten free)

$ 65

green coconut rice, salsa verde, pickled cabbage, pickled daikon 



  S H R I M P   B O W L (gluten free, pescaterian)

$ 7 0

green coconut rice, salsa verde, spicy kohlrabi salad, pickled daikon


W I L D   F I S H   B O W L (gluten free, pescaterian)

$ 7 0

green coconut rice, salsa verde, spicy kohlrabi salad, pickled daikon



R O A S T E D   V E G E T A B L E   B O W L (gluten free, vegan)

$ 60

green coconut rice, salsa verde, pickled cabbage, pickled daikon, zchug

R O A ST E D   C A U L I F L O W E R   B O W L  (vegetarian)

$ 65

green coconut rice, salsa verde, pickled cabbage, pickled daikon, tahini, soft egg, jalapeno relish 


R O A S T E D   C A U L I F L O W E R    B O W L  (vegan)

$ 65

green coconut rice, salsa verde, pickled cabbage, pickled daikon, tahini, mankai salsa verde



D U C K   I N   P I T A   (dairy free)

$ 80

duck confit, mustard aioli, calabrian chili, scallion, cilantro 



G R A S S   F E D   B U R G E R 

$ 80

potato roll, onion jam, cheddar, jalapeño aioli



G R I L L E D   C H I C K E N   S A N D W I C H  (dairy free)

$ 80

potato roll, jalapeño aioli, pickled onion, cilantro



H O U S E   M A D E   S O U R D O U G H   +   D I P S  (vegetarian)

$ 35

tahini + arrisa, smoked labne, burrata



S W E E T   P O T A T O   (vegetarian) 

$ 40

smoked labne . spicy pepper relish 



P A   P I E  (vegetarian)



vanilla labne



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